October 21, 2010

Good Morning Girls

I am trying something new this fall, and I am LOVING it!   Good Morning Girls is a website where you can sign up with a group of women that keep each other accountable to our morning prayer and devotion time.  Your group can be as many or as few as you like.  Each morning after doing quiet time, you email, text, or Facebook your group about what you studied or heard from God.  I had learned about this site during the summer, but groups had already been formed.  So I waited until the next time sign-ups rolled around and asked two dear online friends to join me.

Each morning we send a Facebook message to each other describing our devotion time or a verse that God has spoken to us through. We often add a prayer request as well.  I have really enjoyed the different perspectives of my two Good Morning Girls.  They are fantastic women of the Word, and I find such encouragement in how they read and listen to God's word.

I am very excited that I get to HUG both of these women this weekend at The Relevant Conference in Pennsylvania!  I can't wait to spend some quality time with them!

Do you have anyone that you stay accountable with?

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