December 29, 2011

Letters from Haiti

Thursday has finally arrived! It's our day to dedicate the house and turn it over officially to Darlene, Yves and Eveon!!

We had packed a crate full of household items way back in October that had been shipped by sea to Haiti!  We went to the Christian Center to pack up all those items to take to the house.  We had sheets, pillows, toilet paper, shampoos, soaps, chairs, rugs, kitchen utensils, pots & pans, plates, silverware, bowls, and towels. 

When Darlene saw us coming, she could hardly believe her eyes!  I can't describe how it felt to watch them as we loaded up their house with all of these things that we as Americans couldn't fathom living without.  Darlene immediately sat in one of the chairs and curled her toes into the carpet rug.

Her table was loaded with all kinds of things, even vitamins for the family!

And that little boy who would not come near us all week, put on the biggest smiles I have ever seen when a soccer ball was handed to him! 

Our new Haitian friends now have not only a concrete home, shelter from the bugs, rains and high winds, but a door that locks and a key!!

Once we had everything set up, Pastor Manno, his wife Prisca, and Darlene's sister (L) came and we gathered in their living room to dedicate the house.  We sang worship songs and prayed over the house and this beautiful little family.  It was one of the coolest things of which I have ever been a part.

And it was the most amazing experience because of the fabulous teamwork among the members of this team....dedicated to raising not just $10,000 to build the home, but far above and beyond to afford travel for everyone and all the expenses that came with it.

In the tiny village of Pillatre this Christmas, a little family has a home built by the love of Christ.

...and I can't wait to go back and do it all over again!


  1. I have really enjoyed this story! Just beautiful!

    Thank you for sharing your experience. I feel like I was there in some small way.

  2. Your pictures look like they came from a this case maybe National Geographic? So moved by your boldness and servant's heart. Still stunned by the images that I saw in the slide show of your trip. We always think that we are in need of something but to know that our American homes are filled to the brim while people 500 miles outside of Florida don't have shelter, clothing, education...or FOOD is a harsh reality and great sadness.

  3. I've so enjoyed reading your Haiti stories! The harsh reality of life in Haiti for many people is heartbreaking to me, but it's so beautiful to see how God is moving there. Being part of this trip sounds like such a blessing.


I am so glad you that you stopped by today! What's on your mind?


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