June 24, 2010

Hinderances to Effective Prayer

As my children and I have been discussing and practicing prayer, many questions have been asked.  I find myself challenged every day to be able to answer their questions effectively and correctly!  I am particularly amazed at the depth of their questions.

It is not just children that struggle to understand how and why God answers prayer.  I've tried to convey to my children that God answers all our prayers, it just may not be the "yes" they were seeking.  A hard truth to teach a 10 and 8 year old.  But I would be remiss in my teaching if I did not also share with them the fact that there may be hinderances that change God's response to our prayers.  He may be waiting for something to be corrected before he can answer our prayers.

These are some areas that we should examine:

Do I have unconfessed sin in my life?  1 John 1:19
Do I have a clear conscience in asking for this? I John 3:21
Am I listening to God? Proverbs 28:9
Am I praying in the Spirit?  Ephesians 6:18, Jude 20
Have I asked for help in my "weakness"? Romans 8:26
Am I praying in accordance with God's will?  I John 5:14-15
Am I praying with faith?  Matthew 21:22, Hebrews 11:6
Have I forgiven everyone who has sinned against me?  Matthew 6:12, 14, 15
Am I seeking the Lord's kingdom first?  Matthew 6:33; 7:7

Remember, examining this list of questions is not a one-time event.  It must be a constant examining of  your heart in order to wield successful prayer.  Feel like your prayers are bouncing off the ceiling?  Keep this list handy in your prayer journal and keep the line of communication to God wide open!


  1. This is a great list to make you more aware about your praying time with God. Thanks for sharing.


  2. Wonderful list, thank you! I blogged a few weeks back about a conversation about prayer and waiting on the Lord I had with my 9 year old. We covered some but not all these points. I've printed your list for future reference, for my kids and me!

  3. Im having one of those days, where i am questioning everything. My grief is clouding,my judgement. It is nice to read this x

  4. Thanks so much for linking to your thoughts on depression. Very well-put and thought-out. Blessings!

  5. Thanks,a great list. I will definately keep a copy handy. Mich x


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