July 25, 2010


A few weeks ago on the Completing Him Challenge, Courtney asked us to talk with our husbands about how he would rank in order of importance the things I do for him around the house, putting them in a Top 5 list.  Obviously, it has taken Husband and I a few weeks to get this down on paper and time to discuss it.

I knew when I asked him to do this, that I might be surprised by a few things on his list.  What shocked me though, was that a few things I thought for sure would be on there, were not!  So here is his list:

  1. Keep the living room picked up and vacuumed(family of 5, you know the story)
  2. Keep the car clean(dog travels with me sometimes, very hairy)
  3. Keep our room picked up(slow at putting laundry away and books everywhere)
  4. Keep the yard picked up(garden tools and kids toys)
  5. Keep the kids consistent on chores, piano and reading(I lose momentum)
So you can see I have some work to do!  I loved doing this activity because it keeps us on the same playing field.  I asked him the question because I want to do things that keep him happy and are important to him.  I don't want to continue spending time on chores that aren't that important to him, and miss those that are.  It is really very related to the love languages we have spoken about before.  I can show him how much I love him by taking care of the things that matter most to him.

Communicating with our spouses is so very important.  It gets lost in the chaos of life sometimes.  Even a simple conversation like this can refocus your marriage and get you both going in the same direction.


  1. I'm afraid my husband would have way more requests than that.

  2. Gosh you are brave, i asked my husband and his answers were very naughty,cheeky and naughy. I guess I know where his mind was lol xx


I am so glad you that you stopped by today! What's on your mind?


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