June 9, 2011

Book Discussion - Why Christian Kids Rebel - Week 5

Dr. Tim Kimmel is the founder of  Family Matters  and the author of this great book, Why Christian Kids Rebel.  We've been discussing the reasons Christian kids are leaving their faith behind.

Chapter 7 addresses Comfortable Christianity, a place easy to fall into, even for the seasoned believer.  Sometimes we can settled into a zone in our faith that feels good, safe.  But this is a place where complacency can grow.  Suddenly we're no longer living out loud for Christ.  We're no longer reaching out to others, showing our Savior in real ways.  We've contained it, maybe even hidden it, from others.

If we've fallen into this place, chances are, our children may see it as static, and anything but authentic.  Living a life for Christ must always cost us something; our time, our energy, and sometimes our pride.  But if we are willing to give, to serve, to stretch, to live adventurously for the Kingdom of God, our faith will be transparent and contagious.

"Until kids find something worth dying for,
they don't have anything worth living for.
When they see parents who aren't willing
to be inconvenienced, let alone to die for their faith,
it's no wonder they rebel."

Let's show our children that serving the Creator is worth everything it requires: love God, trust Him, obey Him, thank Him, praise Him and use every talent He has given for His glory.

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