January 26, 2012

Are You Confused about God's Jealousy?

I was never an Oprah Winfrey fan.  I did not watch her show, but would catch occasional glimpses of her through other media.  Just the other day a video was being shared around Facebook of Oprah denouncing Jesus.

I felt it was a sad day.  Unfortunately, I had believed all along that Jesus was not her Savior, but this really was the final confirmation. Often times she would mention things in passing that were vague and left all of us wondering. Well now we know.

But what I found most disturbing about this video was the fact that she said when she was a young adult she heard a sermon that stated that God was a jealous God, and she decided right then that she couldn't believe in Him if he were jealous of her.

jealous of her

I grieve the fact that she totally misunderstood how God is jealous.  If this is something that you don't understand, I encourage you to look deeper.

God has never stated that he is jealous of us.  God is jealous for us.  There is a big difference.

"Do not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God."
Exodus 34:14

Because of His great love for us, He hates when we put other things before Him.  When something else becomes an idol, or as in the Old Testament, when the people were worshipping other gods, He became very jealous because our affection is misplaced. As Creator of the Universe, He deserves our undying devotion and attention.

He is also saddened when His power has made something happen, and human beings take the credit.  His glory has been stolen right out from under Him.  All praise and honor belongs to the Lord, not to us.

The Bible is certainly a complex, and sometimes frustrating book!  But God has provided many scholarly individuals who can help us understand those things that don't quite make sense to us.  Please, if there is something you don't understand, talk to someone about it.  Don't let it shape your faith, or worse, turn you away from faith.
In the meantime, praise God that he loves YOU so much that he wants ALL of you!


Don't forget our online book study of "James: Mercy Triumphs" by Beth Moore begins next Wednesday, February 1st right here!  Check out this post for more info!


  1. Hi Cherie. I just found you through a linkup. Thank you for writing this post. I did see Oprah's video denouncing Jesus, saying that He can't be the only way and mentioning His jealousy for her. How absurd! She clearly has been misled. The sad thing is how she is so influential and is leading many of those seeking or many who already believe away from the one true God. I pity her really and she needs lots of prayer. God bless and thanks for having the courage to write Oprah.

    1. Sheri, thanks for stopping by! Michelle is a dear friend. Yes, it really upsets me that Oprah has so much influence and she is leading people astray with wrong information. We can pray that she be led to the Truth!


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