October 6, 2009

Hearts at Home

I just returned from volunteering at the Hearts at Home Greal Lakes Conference in Grand Rapids Minnesota. It was an awesome trip. I just love spending time with women who are on the same journey that I am. I love learning from them. I love listening to them. They inspire me to try new things. They inspire me to spend more time seeking God. They inspire me to be a more intentional mom.

Although 4 days is a long time away from family, I come home refreshed and ready to be a better wife and mother.

One of the best lessons I learned from the weekend was teaching my children how to respect and treat each other. Jim and Lynne Jackson (www.connectedfamilies.com)were speaking about discipline. They suggested correcting children that are tearing each other down by requiring them to say 3 nice things to their sibling for every 1 unkind thing that was said. Why didn't I ever think of that? I will certainly be putting this into practice. But I think I will carry it one step further. I am going to make this a family night activity by requiring each member of the family to write a quick note to each person about what they like or admire about them. This may get them in the habit of kind words in an atmmosphere that doesn't seem like punishment!!

If you have never been to a Hearts at Home event, now is the time! Every mom needs encouragement and friends to come alongside during the journey of motherhood. Don't try to do it alone!! Check out www.hearts-at-home.org for all kinds of information and motherhood encouragement.

1 comment:

  1. I am going to need to look more at the connected families website. We could definitely use some help with discipline and how to treat each other with love and respect around here :-)

    Have a blessed day!


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