August 3, 2010

God's Paintbrush

Frances J. Roberts is a favorite author of mine. She writes devotions as though God were speaking directly to me. I really need that sometimes. She usually chooses a bible verse and then expands on how God might deliver that message if he were speaking to you. Here is an example based on the verse Genesis 1:31:

"I make no idle strokes. What I do is never haphazard. I am never merely mixing colors out of casual curiosity. My every move is one of vital creativity and every stroke is part of the whole. Never be dismayed by apparent incongruity. Never be alarmed by a sudden dash of color seemingly out of context. Say only to your questioning heart, "It is the Infinited wielding His brush; I know He does all things well.""

Doesn't that make perfect sense? We marvel at beautiful sunsets and amazing gardens but sometimes forget who is behind the paintbrush! Watch for something today that you can see God's creativity in and praise Him!


  1. Your observations are delightful. I love the phrase "idle strokes". A few minutes ago I was asked to critique a painting - I am not an artist. I was being asked as one who is unskilled and ignorant of the painter's trade. I had no less than five minutes prior closed my response email and loaded this page. How wondrous is the Hand of God in the finest details of our lives. He truly does make no "idle strokes".

    I appreciate the challenge. I think I'll take a walk today and see what I can find.

  2. I love Frances J. Roberts. I just started to re-read "Come Away My Beloved". I read it about 10 years ago and it totally blessed my heart. I love what you've posted here. As someone who paints, without formal training, simply by the movement and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, this reminds me that it is God who is the Painter and that I am simply His vehicle to release His art.


I am so glad you that you stopped by today! What's on your mind?


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