January 20, 2011

God's Words Cannot Wait

"He who began a good work in you
will carry it on to completion 
until the day of Christ Jesus." 
Philippians 1:6

The Bible is very clear that God has specific plans for each of our lives.  But sometimes we get lost along the path of those plans.  We start making our own decisions and don't consult God first.  We fall into a reoccurring sin that holds us back.  We fall away from God and just float through life without direction.  We don't walk in obedience,  ignoring certain areas of our life that need work.  Our walk has become a crawl because we have hit a wall while experiencing these shortfalls.

An overwhelming truth has come to the surface again.  It should make every believer re-evaluate their hearts and service to God.  Have you considered that by your walk becoming a crawl, someone that God has placed in your path may not hear about the saving grace of Jesus Christ?  Have you considered that an amazing opportunity for you to serve your God will go unmet because you are still battling the same sin?  God must wait until you finish the task He has given you at this time to be completed before you can be sent on His next assignment.

I know all too well what this feels like.  Our family has struggled with finances since the beginning of our marriage.  We have never had a budget.  We live paycheck to paycheck, and I mean that literally.  We have no savings.  This responsibility rests with me, as I have ignored God's constant leading and conviction to master this sin in my life. Now don't get me wrong; we don't live extravagantly!  We live in a 100 year old house that needs lots of repairs and drive very old cars!  But the point is, we have not lived within our means.  By not having a budget, often times the small expense that comes up with throw off the whole month!

But I digress......because this constantly battle takes place each and every month, my energies are wasted on this ugly beast.  I know God could be using me somewhere else, but with this elephant in the room, He cannot use me.  I must complete the task I am on.....and I haven't moved forward with this task.  It is enough to break a believer's heart knowing God wants to use you in powerful ways, but He must wait on you to be obedient!

This is at the top of my list for this year.  As part of my FOCUS for 2011, getting our finances in order and keeping to a budget is a must.

How about you?  Is there something God has spoken to you to finish but you've been held back?  I'd love to hear about it.  We can encourage each other to press on toward the finish!

My friend Marci over at Overcoming Busy has a great post about praying over your plans.  Be sure to check that out!


  1. Slowed to a crawl definitely describes what has happened in my spiritual life the last few weeks due to health issues...thank you for this convicting reminder that His good work needs to remain my focus!
    On another note, I wrote and taught a finance Bible study last year and would be glad to email it to you if you think it would be helpful. kmelissasmallwood@gmail.com.

  2. I sooo understand the crawling part. Thanks for your insights. My path (or at least what I thought was my path) was radically changed last year. I am still crawling as I try to listen to where the Lord wants me to travel next. Finances are hard to master. I will pray for your success. Blessings, Sherrie


I am so glad you that you stopped by today! What's on your mind?


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