April 26, 2012

Walk Through The Garden

I love Thursday mornings, as gardeners around the country gather on twitter under the hashtag #gardenwalk to show photos of what is happening in their gardens.  It always intrigues me of the many different things blooming in different weather zones.  For instance, my friend Chris in Alabama has roses in full bloom and glory.  While mine are looking like this, making me wait patiently for the show!

While I'm waiting on the roses, a few other things have shone their faces to the sun, so walk with me through the garden!

One of my spring time favorites, Bachelor Buttons (Centaurea montana), always makes a stunning show in the garden.  The bud is one of my favorites, with it's intricate design of diamonds.

This little jewel, Blue Flax (Linum perenne), was added to my garden last year, but didn't have time to bloom.  I am thrilled that it is loaded in blooms.

These iris were a gift from my mother-in-law a few years ago and I have no idea what name they might have, other than gorgeous!

I've chosen purple and lime green for my planting box next to the front steps this year.  I love the striped verbena with the purple petunias.

Every summer one of the first hanging baskets that I seek out is the Fuchsia.  This year I bought two different kinds because they were both so gorgeous!  I'm not sure of the top variety, but the bottom is Indian Maid. I try my best to not kill them before the end of June!  They require close to a gallon of water a day if they are in high bloom!!

Lastly, this beautiful little jewel, a columbine, of which I have no idea what variety!  I have had them pop up around my yard in various places in which I did not originally plant them!  I just wish they lasted longer!! So delicate.

I love walking through the garden every day to see what is different.  Those blooms open so quickly sometimes!

What's blooming in your garden?


  1. Gorgeous! I'm death on flowers (family gardening gene totally passed me by) so I love to see the miracles created by others. The Fuchsia are especially beautiful. Many blessings

  2. You can really extend the blooming period of your too soon over columbine by keeping them deadheaded; mine extend into June because I do. Columbines are one of my favorite flowers.

  3. You can really extend the blooming period of your too soon over columbine by keeping them deadheaded; mine extend into June because I do. Columbines are one of my favorite flowers.

  4. You can really extend the blooming period of your too soon over columbine by keeping them deadheaded; mine extend into June because I do. Columbines are one of my favorite flowers.

  5. Really? A gallon of water a day for the fuchsia? No wonder mine died (yrs. ago).


I am so glad you that you stopped by today! What's on your mind?


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