February 24, 2011

Inspiring Women Series

Have you ever had someone in your life who has had a profound influence on your faith?  Maybe someone in your family, your church, or maybe someone you have never even met, an author perhaps?

Over the last year I have grown tremendously in my faith, and it is largely due to many women who have inspired me to look deeper, seek harder, really see the authentic God.  When a tough circumstance arises, I often think of  women who have been there before me and have handled adversity with faith and grace.  When I need to live my faith out loud, I think of a few women who do that every day, and I am amazed.

Do you know someone like that?  Over the course of the month of March, I am going to share with you several women who inspire me.  Women who have touched me in some way and have changed me.  Mind you, I could list SO MANY of YOU, fabulous women through blogging that could easily be added to this list!  It is difficult to choose just a few, so I want to invite you to join in with me.

Starting March 3 I am going to share with you each Thursday Inspiring Women in my life.  I invite you to write a blog post about someone who has inspired you and share them with all of us.  We'll create a link list and we can all be inspired together!

I can't wait to get to know more Inspiring Women!


  1. I can't wait for this series. I too have women in my life who truly inspire me with their faith. My faith has grown just from their influence.

  2. Oh sounds wonderful! I can't wait for this.

  3. wow this will be great. looking forward to "meeting" the women of faith God put in your life!

  4. I can't wait to read this - I am so thankful for the women God has placed in my life at JUST the right time. He's always 3 steps ahead of me, ya' know?? ;)

  5. I'm linking up - can't wait!!

  6. Oh how exciting! I can't wait to write about my inspiring woman this week.


I am so glad you that you stopped by today! What's on your mind?


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